• Post Box # 2151, Postal Code # 112. Ruwi, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.

One of the best features for UPMC PPR system is the easy and ratability of installation.


UPMC system components are joined by simple-to-use fusion-welding techniques. Pure and consistent resins of the highest quality, used in the manufacture of our components, ensure reliable and repeatable welding over and over again. No matter where or when, each junction can be joined in merely a few seconds.





Cut UPMC pipe to the required length using a cutter, mark the welding depth on the pipe, ensure that the indicator light on the welding tool signals that tool is hot enough (240˚ C) for welding.



Push UPMC pipe and fitting into welding adaptors, applying even strength at both ends. Do not twist or turn the pipe and fittings while pushing. Wait until heating time is reached. Attached table NO (x) for necessary information.



When welding time is reached, remove both pipes and fitting together, again without twisting or turning while pulling out of the welding adaptor. Almost immediately, push both pipe and fitting together until the depth is reached. It is possible to adjust the joints for more than 5 degrees during this time. Thus the fusion process is completed.

Linear expansion of pipes is directly proportional to the heat subjected to the pipe material. Hence, cold water pipes have practically no linear expansion and could be neglected in the installation design.

On the other hand, expansion of pipes is significant in warm water and heating installations and in extreme temperature varying environments, and therefore needs to be considered. Formula for Calculation of Linear Expansion

  • The linear expansion ∆L is calculated according to following formula: 

∆L=α• L•∆T                                                                   (1)


∆L :  Expanded length (mm)
α   : Coefficient of linear expansion (mm/mK)
L   :   Length of segment in (mm)
∆T:  Temperature difference between working and installation Temperatures.


However freely installed pipelines require compensation. There are two options to compensate for thermal expansion loop see fig (Below):

  • Expansion arm is calculated with the following formula:


LS= K *  d. ∆L                                                                     (2)

  • Compensation arm in loop formula.


LS = K *  d. ∆L ∕ 2                                                            (3)


LS = Length of Expansion arm/loop (mm),

∆L= Thermal Expansion (mm) (form equation No#1

K= Material Constant for UPMC PPR RA130E = 15

d= Pipe Diameter

After installing UPMC piping system, it is necessary to go through a pressure test. Unlike metal pipes, UPMC piping system like all other plastic pipe systems
has to follow different pressure test procedure owing to their mechanical properties of expansion when subject to pressure, temperature difference and
coefficient of expansion.
Test Procedure (According to DIN 1988 Part 2 or BS 6700: 1977)

Storage and Transportation of Pipes and fittings should be protected against throwing, knocking, shaking, hitting and any sort of mechanical stressing. Pipes should be placed horizontally and maximum storage height must not exceed 1.5m. Pipes and fittings must be stored at minimum temperature of +5°C One meter distance must be kept between plastic components and radiators.